It has been 2 weeks since I've written a blog, not because there wasn't anything happening, but rather because life has been a bit crazy! One verse keeps coming back to me though....echoing through my head and bouncing around in my heart....
2 Corinthians 4:7 " We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God not from ourselves."
I came upon this scripture and love it!! It was so fitting this weekend. Keith was out of town at a Men's Retreat in Oregon. He left Friday morning and did not return until Sunday afternoon. I knew that my weekend was filled with things that had to be completed both on Saturday and Sunday... Things that I did not know if I could do or not... involving hooking up a trailer, loading it and unloading it by myself, driving it without crashing lol, and working some really long hours for the auction that I didn't know if I was going to be able to do by myself.....
Well let's just say Friday night I was full of worry... and prayer. The Lord and I were having a huge chat throughout the whole evening. I came upon 2 Corinthians and I identified so much with it. I felt very fragile- I was missing Keith (Yes... even for just a weekend. I know, kind of silly, but honest). I started thinking... what if something happens to him? What if I had to go through the rest of my life without him- (Yes, my mind was spinning a bit out of control). I felt very fragile and doubtful of my own abilities.
The Lord was extremely reassuring and I felt a peace come about me by morning. I woke up early, pulled myself up by my boot straps and said, "O.K. Lord, It is You and I today. I have a lot on my plate, but with You, I can do it!!" Well.... the weekend endeavors went very well. Besides a policeman stopping in front of my driveway to ask if I was trying to steal the trailer while I was tipped upside down trying to figure out the latch, it went smoothly! I just laughed and told him, no... I was just trying to show my husband that I would be o.k. while he was gone and I could handle it. lol
By Sunday I was feeling more confident in my skills- since my team mate was no other than.... God. :0) I loaded up the trailer one more time to head to North First Street. Usually Keith leads the endeavors, but it went well. Our team met at the Harley Davidson Parking Lot as we do every week to pray before heading over and setting up. After our team meeting we headed down to our lot and started setting up. Like usual, we had a group waiting for us- which was really nice because I didn't know if day lights saving time would throw them for a loop. Nope- they were there and ready to help unload and set up tables.
I was so glad that the Lord provides for our "fragile-ness". I felt exhausted from the 13 hour work day from the day before and I wanted to make sure and not "blow it" for our group who relies on the food as well as the clothes. As 2nd Corinthians says- in our fragile human-ness, God's Glory is able to shine through and touch those around us so that they know it has to be God and not us. One of our homeless friends shared that "We would not believe how much it has helped to have us come down through the winter. He said that it has helped so many people." God has awesome ways of letting us know that it is worth the time, effort, and love. That all the help from our Awesome team, donors, and wonderful people who bake is not in vain... That in our fragile clay pots- God's Glory is radiating out and penetrating souls.... Thank you Jesus!!!
What is so cool is that God always provides our needs- we had some volunteers out because they were sick, others were out of town, etc. but he always brings other people to step in and make things happen. He makes a way because it is His endeavor and not our own. He makes a way because it is about His agenda and not the silly details of our own. .... Thank you Jesus!!
David and Mike were back this week :0) but Chris wasn't :0( I hope that she is o.k. I heard that she has been trying to kick heroine on her own, but hasn't been very successful. She needs it so much that she shoots it up in her eye to get the quickest high. I also heard that she has hep C which all makes me so sad. Next time I see her, I need to ask her if she knows Jesus.... I hope that I get to see her again and I am sorry that I haven't said that to her before now. I am so glad Lord that you are able to show your glory through my fragile clay pot..... Thank you Jesus!!!
Last week Keith had promised two people tents for this week. My brother brought by two tents last week that he wanted to donate... wow coincidence??? Of course not! God is so fun to watch!!! Well..... I wasn't sure who the tents were promised to so.... let's just say that before Keith arrived from his trip... I had promised 7 people tents and I only had 2... oops! See... the overnight shelters around town close this week because it is almost spring, so all of the people who sleep in the overnight shelters around town will be out on the street by the weekend. I told the people that I promised things to to hold on and wait until Keith arrived. Our team prayed as we always do at closing and were joined by about 12 homeless people who joined us. It was a truly beautiful prayer that Doug led us in....a prayer that included all the people on both sides of the box..... Than you Jesus!!!
Keith arrived at North 1st Street about 3:00 right about the time we were packing up and getting ready to leave. I broke the news that I had accidentally promised too many tents and sleeping bags..... and that the group of people over by the fence were waiting there so that I could go round them up what they needed. Once again... my fragile clay pot.... had gotten me into a fix that only God could help me work out. Keith and I climbed into the car and said, "We'll be back in an hour!" Thankfully Goodwill had an abundance of sleeping bags (which is so odd because usually I only see a few hanging and this time there were about 14). We grabbed the sleeping bags that we needed as well as a blanket for each person then continued our adventure in finding sleeping bags and tarps. Let's just say that God is so so so Amazing!
Shortly after... we pulled into the lot and had the joy of handing out a sleeping bag and blanket to each person as well as tents and tarps for each group that we had promised them to. It was such an honor to represent God's Goodness in this way. They were so very thankful. It is amazing to see hearts soften to the Lord when he meets them right at their dire need. They asked to pray this time... so we all locked arms and gave praise to Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior!!! With thanksgiving... we hugged goodbye and went on our way.
One of the couples that we brought a tent to were staying on the other side of town, so we loaded their things up in the car and took them to their destination. It was a woman in her early 30's and her fiance. They were from the lower valley and had lost all of their things in a house fire. Because they did not have family in state- they were homeless. The lady cried and said, "I never thought this would be me." She said, "I have seen people on corners before and thought- Get a job, but I never thought I would be in this position." My heart went out to this couple so much because they were different. They did not appear to be "addicts" as most of our homeless friends are, but rather- very nice people who are temporarily homeless and trying to make the most of it. Because they had so many bags to carry- we were able to help them get to their destination. I pass by them every day on the way to work and can't help but look out over the highway and pray that their night was peaceful and that they were able to stay safe. It will be an honor and a blessing to be able to help them with some of their other needs throughout the next week or two. Please be in prayer for them that the fiancee will be able to find work so that their living situation will be able to improve shortly. God's Glory shone through our fragile clay pots.... so that they knew that it was God's Glory and not our own!! We shared the Lord with them, exchanged hugs, and off we went back to our world where two days prior I had been worrying about how I would handle the events of the weekend alone.... wow... what would it be like if I had to handle the freezing nights with no home... and an unsure future! Thank you God for shining through our fragile clay pots....
Dear Lord- It is such a humbling experience to be one of your ambassadors. I love reaching out in my own weakness and feel You streaming through me like water pushing over a waterfall. I pray that everyday I will grow closer to you as I try to see with "Jesus Eyes" rather than my own. All My Love Forever- Camille :0)
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