Sunday, January 6, 2013

Olivia's Perspective....

Tonight Olivia wrote what is written below.  She is our 11 year old daughter and has been on this crazy adventure with us since the beginning.  She wrote this regarding her feelings the first night we went out and how she views it now.  It made me want to cry...Very insightful!

That night was dreary and frightening, it was dark and it was light. The darkness of those around us and the light of God inside of us shone. The street lamp above us had no comparison to the light of God. Physically that street lamp has a greater value than our light. Our light can shine forever, but that street lamp can burn out. Can your light burn out???

 Dark, light, happy, sad, structured, loose, hot, cold, winter, summer, small, large; these are all opposites. All of these adjectives apply to the Lord’s ministry. The people we serve are complete opposites of us, but they are the same too. How is this possible???? Jesus is just like us but is also the complete opposite of us.

- the glasses :o)

To mom and dad
(Thank You Lord for planting Your love inside this very special little girl.)
Read below for this weeks blog....

1 comment:

  1. Olivia is such a wonderful girl! I'm so glad that she's able to share the love of Christ in this setting!
